Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (a.k.a. HAWK)
July 9, 2021East Hillsborough Avenue (US 92/SR 600/US 41) from Nebraska Avenue to 50th Street
The Florida Department of Transportation and the City of Tampa are implementing pedestrian safety improvements on East Hillsborough Avenue. The improvements will incorporate seven (7) new pedestrian crossings at five (5) locations along the corridor between Nebraska Avenue and 50th Street. The project will occur in five (5) phases, beginning in March of 2015. All planned improvements will be completed by June of 2016.
Corridor Improvement Summary
- Designated pedestrian crosswalks with high-emphasis markings, pedestrian crossing signals and push-buttons
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) features and sidewalk ramp improvements
- High-emphasis crosswalk markings with pedestrian crossing signals and push-buttons
- ADA features and sidewalk ramp improvements
- Pedestrian safety refuge area in the center median of the roadway
- Over-head pedestrian hybrid beacons (a.k.a. HAWKs)
- Designated pedestrian crosswalks with high-emphasis markings, pedestrian crossing signals and push-buttons
- ADA and sidewalk ramp improvements
- Upgrading signal-heads to provide flashing arrow phases to reduce conflicts between pedestrians and turning vehicles
- Upgrade traffic signal faces to Light-Emitting Diode (LED) and install retro-reflective back plates on existing signal faces to improve visibility of signal indications to drivers
- Upgrades to signal controller cabinets and associated equipment
- Installation of wireless communications to provide enhanced monitoring and control by Active Traffic Management System (ATMS)
- of uninterruptible power supply (battery backup) to maintain operations during loss of power
- FDOT is working with the City of Tampa and the East Tampa Community Redevelopment Agency to provide new landscaping features at select locations on the corridor.
Design Features
- Typical sidewalk ramp
- High-emphasis crosswalk markings
- Pedestrian push-button
Maps & Images of Improvements
A map of the new crosswalk locations can be downloaded here (PDF format).

Hillsborough Avenue at 11th Street

Hillsborough Avenue at Meridian Pointe Apartments/East Gate Plaza

Hillsborough Avenue at 37th Street: Download

Hillsborough Avenue at 46th Street
Safety Education
Walk Wise has been conducting safety outreach on the corridor talking to residents and businesses about safe walking and driving tips as well as conducting interactive safety presentations at community gathering places such as schools and apartment complexes. Walk Wise ambassadors are also out on the streets interviewing walkers, cyclists, and transit users about the improvements ad part of a qualitative evaluation of the safety project. Results of the evaluation will be completed by mid-2016.
Click here to download the pedestrian and driver safety tip card.