West Central CTST
The West Central Florida CTST was formed in August of 1996 and covers Citrus and Hernando counties. The team and team members consistently earn recognition in state and national venues. Some of the activities it participates in or supports are:
- Child and Occupant Safety Programs
- Bike and Pedestrian Safety
- Work Zone Safety
- School Bus Safety
- School Zone Safety
- Grade Crossing Safety
- Motorcycle Safety
The West Central Florida CTST conducts education and enforcement campaigns involving red light running, drivng under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and traffic safety. It also participates in “Buckle Up Florida” and “You Drink, You Drive, You Lose” sustained enforcement efforts.
- Chair: Walt Eastmond, Citrus County
- Vice Chair: Jim McLean, Hernando County
We need your help to improve traffic safety in Citrus and Hernando County! Please consider joining our team.
The West Central CTST meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month.
Upcoming Meeting Information
Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 1:30 pm (In-Person), Citrus County Sheriff's Office, 3549 Saunders Way, Room #140, Lecanto, Florida
Virtual Meeting Log In
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Meeting ID: 239 152 753 185
Passcode: FPJiuN
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+1 443-948-6058,,253755799# United States, Baltimore
; Phone Conference ID: 253 755 799#